Friday 26 May 2023

songs and lyrics

fortitude Vally

Someone who meets someone online who pretends to be someone they are not

Holiday in my head

party tonight regular show

guy see's thing he wants and goes on an adventure to get it


The backburner

A nerd who goes through an emotional rollercoaster while doing really good and then really bad at dodgeball.  

Friday 19 May 2023

Codes & Conventions Of music videos

Indie music videos embody a spirit of creativity and authenticity, often characterized by low-budget aesthetics and a do-it-yourself ethos. These videos frequently feature artistic expression through unique visual styles, experimentation with DIY filmmaking techniques, and a focus on capturing raw, intimate performances. Symbolism and metaphor are commonly used to convey deeper themes, while experimental editing techniques add visual dynamism. Narrative elements may be present, exploring themes that resonate with the song's lyrics or mood. Additionally, indie music videos often serve as a platform for self-promotion, shared through social media and indie music channels, enabling artists to connect directly with their audience. Overall, indie music videos celebrate individuality and originality, providing a canvas for artists to express themselves in unconventional and compelling ways.

 Sam Fender- dead boys

Dead boys is an example of a music video with a narrative that isn't obvious. The song itself was made when sam lost a friend to suicide and he didn't release it for ages as he didn't know wether it as appropriate, this mad him realise that the topic as a whole isn't talked about enough.

The video being more of an implied Narrative and it's never explicitly said but subtly communicated through mise-en-sene Does cut to the beat, with every verse or couple verses having their own scene.

This scene here is from the music video and the mise-en-sene of the hanging ropes represents people hanging themselves, not being able to take anymore.

Here the man having the bag over his head can represent someone killing themselve or looking closer we an see they are screaming so it could also represent that they can't voice their problems as talking about your issues is seen as un masculine.

This is common trend in music videos that have some sort of narrative, where scene changes overtime in the video to show that something has changed.

The ropes now being burnt shows that things are changing, and that hopefully more men will start to talk and stop committing suicide.

Sam Fender has a website. At the moment it is themed to the style of his newest album. This is juts a pop up when you open the site but it has lots of good aspects. It has multiple ways for the audience to interact, There is a link on the side that lets you join their mailing list and there are links you buy the new album.

The home page is unique, the centre has all the links to the other pages and is made to look like a beer label, In the background there are pictures from Sam's life, This gives who ever looks at this an idea of Sam Fenders personality and who he is which then creates one sided relationship where the audience member believes they know he is. 

The overall style of the website matches the video's as Seventeen going under's music videos all have an emphasis on old memories from Sam's life and the main home page of the website features old pictures of sam and his life.

This is one of the Linked pages, the store, It's very simple and yet the use of the Red,black and white colour pallet creates constancy between the sites, Theres not much here but a few products you can purchase

Sam fender's representation in Dead boys is as someone who is going through something. The mise-en-sene really shows this as in the scenes in the shower his eyes are read like he's been crying and later in video he is screaming to the camera. This can relate to people viewing the video if they are also going though something and they might find comfort watching him and feel validated in how they feel.  

As they follow the theme of the album, the websites contain lots more artistic graphical elements that are fun interesting to look at. 

This is a scene from the music video for Ur mum by wet leg. It has a narrative but it also has good intertextuality towards the band. The Guy is listening to other wet leg song which can be heard vaguely. The store is called angelica's which is a name shared by one of the songs in the LP

This beginning sequence also has references to 70s-80s Culture, We can see this in the mise-en-sene of the products in the store as the packaging is a lot older, Drinks are in glass bottles and the sweets have old branding.

Also In the beginning there is a very 70s style poster That talks about doctors smoking camels Cigarretts, Which clearly establishes what age we are in because societal views on smoking very different in the 70s.

The Video creates a representation of the 2 main members of the band  as having a dynamic where, Rhian (the one on the bike) is the Main one who does the talking and singing and Hester is the quiet one. 

Here we have wet legs' website, Now we see a Convention of the websites of artists, that is that the site usually matches the style of the newest album.
It has all the linked pages you would expect and a sign up page to keep the audience in touch.

Adore you- Harry styles 
Not indie but is a good example of a clear narrative 

Adore you by harry styles is a music video that has multiple narratives within it's video setting up and finishing them through out the video.

in this scene there is a close up on the fish from harry's perspective, it shows us that Harry is infatuated by this fish who has been cast out like him. It also sets up the first narrative of the fish and Harry's friendship.  

This is the second narrative in the video the waky hairstyles made by harry's shiny smile.

In this scene Harry and the Fish listen to the song of the video on a record player which is an intertextual reference to the song it's self, people could see this, think that it's cool and then buy a vinyl 


here we have the resolution to the second narrative where the accidental style becomes the new trend and everyone is getting it.

In this scene Harry's narrative finds a resolution as he is no longer the outcast as all the towns folk come to help him and move this fish, Which then leads to 

The Representations in the music video are
Small island town- the town believes in many different supersitions which is a stereotype of a 
cut of town that they believe in weird things and could be a reference to the wicker-man a film also about of a cut off town.
Harry styles- Harry is represented as being strange, One way this is communictaed is in the mise-en-sene his outfits, Harrys fits are flamboyant and unique while the rest of town are in 'normal clothes', his unique outfits communicates how he is different and by looking at the clothes they can make a connection to him and like him more.
This is harry styles currant website, Its advertising his new album harrys house. It uses a minimal colour pallet.
It doesn't have a sign up page probably due to how big Harry is as a star.
The only linked pages it has are a tour page and a shop page.


Friday 5 May 2023

Institutional Research

 Beggars Group

Beggars group started out as a record in 1973 originally called beggars Banquet that specialised in 
new punk bands. In 1977 they started Beggars Group and signed one of their first artists Gary Numen. Some of their most popular artists are adele, Queens of the stone age, Radiohead, British sea power and many others, Beggars group currently has 4AD, Matador, Rough Trade, XL recordings under their wing.

As well as there established artists, Beggars group also takes on lots of new up and coming artists and under beggars they usually go on to accrue success and followers.

Beggars market their brands in many creative ways one example is from their subsidiarys young where they love to make really out there and interesting websites.

These are screenshots of the website for the artist Koreless, it features a moving mouth start page and the home page has a custom cursor and the back ground changes over time. This interactive and interesting website make you more interested with the artist.

It allows for their identity to reach the audience and then they get to identify with that artist.

The Creative procces of the website

 On designing the website.  Most indie bands and most music producers in general all have a similar convention of a simple landing page that...